1km x 1km
Essay Wi-Fi Adversely Affects Our Health
Electricity is everywhere.Every home has at least one, almost every cafe and with our phones we are always sending signals as well. It is a proven fact, that those waves affect the human body. With Data Design as my starting point I am very interesting to work with the information I can find about the waves in our air. I want to create awareness of the fact stated above. Wether positive or not, I do think that in a world where technological process is faster than people asking questions, we should keep in mind what we do with our surrounding.

When I started my research I discovered that there is more to that. Besides the wireless waves in the air, there is a general term of all the electromagnetic fields including waves, fields, tensions etc. called "Electrosmog".

The introduction movie, previous to this page is a quick overview giving insight in the subject but more importantly about the urgency of this subject..
What includes Electrosmog:
Cordless phones
Cordless baby alarms
Mobile/cellular phone masts/towers/transmitters
Mobile/cellular phones
Wireless networks